Sunday, December 14, 2008

Dec. 11th: A night to remember

Thursday, December 11th, 2008 will go down as a night to remember.

It was the first step towards a dream of rekindling fond memories of tasting tours through the valley of Sonoma in homes throughout San Diego.

'Slice of Sonoma' featured Spring Hill Cheese from my uncle's dairy, with complimenting wines and food paired and presented by my fabulous boys; Brian, Drew, Jamie, Kyle, and, of course, Anthony, thanks for making it happen!

The location, my friend Deb's home in Sunset Cliffs, was a perfect combination of warmth, comfort, and charm. It was elegant yet unpretentious, a place where I could sip Le Revé in my slippers and feel right at home. It felt like Sonoma. There was Kat banging away on the baby grand; Kyle giving a spirited rendition of "Oh Holy Night"; corks popping, pans sizzling, and abundant laughter. The night was documented by another fine gentleman, Chris Hansen, who will be creating an "Eventstory" (click here for an example of what I mean) which will be made available to you soon. And, of course, there would have been no fun, no merriment, in fact, no purpose for the event without each and every one of you, my cherished friends, this is the first of many, many wonderful events to come.

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